+614 50 848 995 | +614 50 848 996

Financial Planning


Our mission is to help successful professionals put their financial situation in order, make smart financial decision and build their wealth. Our typical clients are professionals across all industries including doctors, pharmacists, accountants, engineers and IT professionals. We understand that they work hard for their wealth and strive for financial success but are time poor. Our services are designed by keeping the above in mind and to fit for their hectic lifestyle.

At Wealth Alliance, our financial planning process is personalised, holistic and comprehensive. Its about developing a range of strategies to help you manage and enhance your financial affairs, to protect and create your wealth, and to assist you in achieving your goals and aspirations.

We are a privately owned advisory firm and are not owned by any product provider.

Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago

Warren Buffet

The Planning Process

Discovery Meeting

The purpose of this Discovery Meeting is to understand your current financial situation, and goals. From this, we will identify the gaps, challenges and options to improve your financial wellbeing. We will also outline upfront whether and how we can add value as well as the associated fees and charges.


This is where we present our recommendations which are documented in a Statement of Advice. We will have a detailed but easy to understand discussion with you about our recommended financial strategies to meet your stated financial goals and requirements. We will also outline the associated benefits and risks of our recommendations.


After you have understood and decided on your financial strategies, we will proceed to implement the agreed recommendations. This may include superannuation rollover, commencing account-based pension, completing insurance application, implementing recommended investment strategies etc.

Ongoing Review

We understand that your circumstances and financial goals will change over time. Therefore, regular review is important to ensure that the recommended strategies / financial products are still in line with your circumstances and needs. Ongoing review is also an important step to track your progress towards your financial goals.

Our Services

Superannuation and SMSF Advice

Retirement Planning

Insurance Advice

Wealth Creation

Estate Planning